
Asger Larsen · @AcilioNcs

21st Aug 2017 from TwitLonger

Leaving undefined, new role and the future

I've decided to leave undefined/ex-Tricked. It has been awesome to play with these guys ever since I came back from NA. I had to find my confidence again and I think I managed to do that while playing with this team. Thanks so much to my former teammates for a really good half year <3

Ever since I stopped being the ingame leader in SK I've had the urge to go back to that role since that's where I think I can be the most useful to a team.

It's time for new challenges and this is where I feel motivated and what I want to spend all my time focusing on. I still believe I can get back to where all the fun is. It's gonna take some time, but I'm ready for the challenge and I'll hopefully be back soon with a new team.

For now I'll see what my options are. I'll spend a lot of time figuring out how I want my team to play and how I can be a good leader.

Thanks to everyone who still believes in me. I'm gonna work my ass off and hopefully you are soon gonna see me and my new team doing good!

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