Air Deceleration No Longer Exists?! Click Here To Find Out More...

So basically:

@ParadigmErico posted a spreadsheet of "true" acceleration values based on a couple of incorrect assumptions (they were certain that air acceleration list on KH was wrong), @Ruben_dal tested their theories and found them to be incorrect. I fobbed them off because that's generally what I do.

Paradigm and Erico came back with a revised theory; Air "deceleration" was actually another form of acceleration instead and that the two values were added together.

A few days later @BenArthur_7 did some extensive testing and found that "air deceleration" in the params document has been mislabeled by someone (I don't really care who mislabeled it, but someone out there did). The real names for the acceleration entries are as follows:

Air Acceleration is now: "max additional accel" (scales on the control sticks location)
Air Deceleration is now: "base acceleration value"

Furthermore both of these values work together to create a characters acceleration speed. There is a deadzone on the control stick where you decelerate at a separate rate equal to air friction (except for Ryu, he's coded specially). KH will be updated soon with one acceleration page with these two values, and the total of these two values (AKA the true air accel value when the stick is all the way).

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