LARRY DEAN: FANDAN @ Monkey Barrell 18:40 #edfringe review

Larry was one of our top tips going into last year's festival. He had shown so much promise the previous year that we considered him to be a safe bet going into 2016, but to be honest, that show didn't live up to expectations. However, 2017 is a totally different story.

Fandan is everything I hoped it would be; a somewhat intimate show full of insights, confessions and delights that have you giggling and sniggering throughout, and yet it's still packed full of the big laughs you would expect. This show is very well put together and showcases the comedian's wonderful writing ability.

Larry doesn't exactly lay his soul bare, but he does open up enough to give you a real insight to who he is and where he is from. What shines through with Larry Dean is his delivery and stage presence; he commands the stage like an old pro rather than the young rookie that he is.

I really enjoyed this show and, going from the tears of laughter shed around the room, it seems many others did too.

Larry Dean is certainly one to watch. Not just in the future... but right now.

ComedyReviewer 8/10
#edfringe 4 stars

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