
Dylan · @DylanThatTweets

2nd Aug 2017 from TwitLonger

The Truth about COA and DadsNiteGaming

I wasn't originally planning on making this post, however, the situation has got completely out of hand. DadsNiteGaming shared personal intimate details about my mental health and financial status, which, surprise, are both pretty poor. The COA brand exists to spam hundreds of people a day in the hope that it will grow the DadsNiteGaming channel and earn sponsorships to make money. I fully intend to reverse my endorsement of Collaborators Online Alliance for the following reasons.
1) The place runs on spam. Everyone who has ever got there received the same statement. DadsNiteGaming has personal "recruiters" who will send the same spam message to 100's of users a day in the hope that people join the discord. Coincidentally, he shills out his own YouTube channel in the message which is where his own growth came from.
2) The place is run for profit. While the place claims to be non-profit/donation only it is VERY clear that DadsNiteGaming is running this for profit. He lays claims to peoples content in order to upload it to COA Gaming channel where he intends to make the bulk of the money for COA off of adsense. He puts all of his teams focus into getting sponsorships and earning money that he has no time to actually help people.
3) There is no help. While DadsNiteGaming will run workshops, none of them have actually been remotely beneficial. The bulk of his advice in the workshops is to download tubebuddy and figure out tags. COA has a "help document". The document has barely any information in it and has a disclaimer that is bigger than the total amount of helpful information.
4) The place is totalitarian. In COA chat has since died on account of some of the staff going ballistic when users break very minor rules. The ban hammer is thrown around indiscriminately. If you so much as look at a mod wrong you will get a warning. There was a guy who got banned for breaking the rules, when in all actuallity all he did was call out COA on the practices that I am currently. Mods will allow rules to be broken by certain users if they like them. Unless you are in their clique you will get nowhere with COA.
5) Communtiy contrabutions are artifical. While there is a share challenge that updates whenever DadsNiteGaming feels like updating it, that is it. Any community members that have made contributions outside of the COA discord app are not recognized. There have been many members who have helped out users outside of the app, either on their channels or through DMs, and when asked if they could be recognized they were told that they can't do that.
6)DadsNiteGaming doesn't do any of the work. He throws around the word 'we' a lot but in all actuallity he is too busy playing PUBG to actually get any work done. When I was head mod of COA I expanded the project, I brought in new people, I suggested new ideas, however, its all "we" because "we're all members of COA". DadsNiteGaming will happily take credit for anything related to COA, wheter or not he actually did anything.
COA is no longer a place for YouTubers to play games together, its no longer a place to get help. COA now exists to feed DadsNiteGamings ego. I was a very early member of COA and Head Moderator for some time. These are all things that I have heard or seen straight from being DadsNiteGamings right hand. I am ashamed that it took me so long to see the place for what it really is. My hope that there was a place out there that would actually help small YouTubers blinded me from the truth that COA and DadsNiteGaming are both selfish grabs at fame through spam and charisma. COA could be fixed, however, I doubt it will be. Don't trust DadsNiteGaming or @CollabOnlineAll

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