
Benny · @BadBennyhots

21st Jul 2017 from TwitLonger

Do people honestly think we would throw on purpose?

Do people actually think we threw the last 2 games on purpose? We were playing the games okayish well (1 lvl lead +) but then lost pivotal teamfight in both games (towers 13v12 5v4 at bot shrine, inferal 13v12 on bot easy). This was solely due to us missplaying, while liquid playing well. I can understand dignitas fans being salty/sad that their favorite team is not going, but I can assure you we would never do something like throwing on purpose. It is about integrity (not to mention it IS only in our favor to win going into blizzcon), and it is extremely insulting to us AND liquid (making it seem they do not deserve the win) to even suggest we would match fix.

//BadBenny out

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