First off, You Don't Know JS will be very valuable for picking up basic JS concepts.

A brief, no frills guide can be found here I'd also recommend looking through Andrew Fowler's GitHub as he has a lot of quickstarts for JS that can introduce you to the basics.

Other than that there are a few other things you might want to look into that are dependent on what your stack is. webdriverio http://webdriverio is a really popular tool for driving the browser for example, but you might not be using it. You get nicer-looking assertions with Chai but again you might not be using it.

Finally depending on what version of Node you are using you may be able to take advantage of classes or async functions that make things a lot easier for people not used to the language (makes JS behave like other languages used for automation). Alternatively, maybe you aren't so need to use something like Babel that will make the features available to you.

You're in luck in a way, because JS is (arguably) one of the most popular languages out there at the moment the Internet is chock full of guides and Stack Overflow answers about how to do pretty much anything. The Selenium Guidebook is a premium option, but I wouldn't recommend it unless you're building a framework from scratch and want to use promises -- something I wouldn't bother with at all if you have the option to use async functions right away.

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