
Lacky · @Lacky_R6

17th Jun 2017 from TwitLonger

Dreamhack and R6, what a joke.

Rainbow Six has a small but slowly growing eSports scene, it has the potential to become a huge competitive shooter as it has all of the ingredients. But the scene is still small at the moment, there aren't many high level competitive teams in each region (NA, EU, BR) enough to just about fill the Pro League spots every season.

Aside from Pro League, Challenger League and ESL competitions (GO4's ect) there isn't many cups/ornaments to play in throughout the year and the few that are available decide to close their doors to the majority and cater to a single country or small region.

These cups should be helping the scene grow but instead they do literally nothing to help it. They have literally zero exposure because they aren't competitive, there aren't enough teams in any one nation to have a truly exciting cup. Simply put there aren't enough teams in order for national cups to be a success.

What is the point in a tournament with maybe one Pro League team from whatever country hosted it and at most 2-3 other small teams that occasionally play a GO4R6 cup. Then the rest of the teams just being filled with ranked players who saw the opportunity "Hey there isn't anyone signed up for this cup, we can go play without even qualifying". NOBODY is going to watch these tournaments, uncoordinated friends from ranked, a small team or two who have a decent idea on how to play competitively then a PL team to just stomp everyone and take a tiny pile of cash home. There is literally no pull for viewership, no exposure, its a terrible decision and I don't see how anyone organising these cups can see otherwise.

Dreamhack recently announced a R6 tournament that would only allow Scandinavian teams to play, there is barely even a R6 scene in any of the countries involved. There isn't enough high level R6 teams from these regions to play the cup, so what will happen like all of these national cups? The majority of qualified teams will be groups of friends who's only experience is playing ranked, this WILL NOT be entertaining to watch as GiFu dismember every team without issue.

But it doesn't end there, we were planning to play as a Sweedish team as we have a Sweedish majority according to the rules. Literally minutes before the first qualifier cup (The Finnish one) they added a new rule. The 3/5 players stands BUT all 5 must be from Scandinavia. What a joke, the final nail in the coffin for at least one actual competitive match in this entire cup. So PDucks are out. The Sweedish qualifier currently only has two teams signed up, neither of which have 5 Scandinavian players so I fail to see how this is going to work.

TLDR - You're thinking about hosting a Rainbow Six tournament? Make it open to everyone in Europe or don't bother hosting one at all. The scene isn't big enough for national cups, it further splinters the community and will gain ZERO interest from viewership due to not being even slightly competitive.

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