My Official Statement as Former VP of the @EricTrumpFdn

Initially, I was not going to address the irresponsible claims levied by Forbes Magazine against The Eric Trump Foundation, but, unfortunately, it has become clear to me that neither the media, nor the amount of emails in my inbox, will permit me to do so. Therefore, this will be my first and only statement on the matter.

One of the greatest honors of my life was to work for - and onetime helm - The Eric Trump Foundation. After making the painstakingly selfless decision to temporarily suspend his namesake charity for the duration of his father's Presidency in order to fully eliminate any/all perceived conflicts, the fact that @EricTrump must continue to address such reckless & unsubstantiated claims is truly heartbreaking.

Any journalist can interview terminated employees or align data to serve a false narrative, but I implore the next reporter or any investigative body to interview the CEO, longtime employees and families of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital to obtain a real "on the record" opinion of both Eric Trump and his foundation. I can assure you that the truth will be far different than the fiction.

If we are guilty of anything, it is of trying to save too much money for the children of St. Jude inasmuch that we made the conscious decision to operate an extremely "detail intensive" non-profit for nearly 10 years without a single paid employee while relying heavily on donated professional services. But if this is our greatest error, then I have no regrets and will own it for the rest of my life.

Eric Trump remains - and will always be - one of the most compassionate, caring & philanthropic human beings I've ever known. May God forgive those trying to infer otherwise.

Eric - you are a true friend, selfless mentor, loving son, brother, husband (soon to be father) & personal hero to so many countless children & volunteers who have had the honor of being a part of the ETF team, myself included. I am confident that this will remain your greatest legacy & I look forward to our efforts being fully vindicated. πŸ™πŸ½

In closing, the only words I have left are his:

“During the past decade, the Eric Trump Foundation has raised over $16.3 million for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital [including $3.6 million for St. Jude & other worthwhile causes in just 2016 alone] while maintaining an expense ratio of just 12.3%. The Eric Trump Foundation is also responsible for building a $20 million Surgery & ICU center which treats children suffering from the most catastrophic terminal illnesses. Contrary to recent reports, at no time did the Trump Organization profit in any way from the foundation or its activities. While people can disagree on political issues, to infer malicious intent upon a charity that has changed so many lives is not only shameful, but truly reprehensible. The Foundation intends to cooperate fully with the Attorney General’s review and looks forward to a productive and open dialogue with [his] office to address any questions it may have. At the end of the day, the only people who lose are the children of St. Jude and other incredibly worthy causes." ~ Spokesperson for Eric Trump.

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