Regarding "Renepause"

I saw this throughout twitter and reddit yesterday but didnt comment because we were focused on the matches today. Since todays matches are over and we have a bit of a break i'd like to clear the air about what actually happened.
The first pause "mic issue" occurred midway through the round when the admin decided to use the coaches laptop for something (i think he wanted to record the TS) he somehow managed to unmute the mic and the chinese broadcast was coming through (its really loud on the stage). So we lost this round because nobody could hear anything. Obviously we couldnt replay it because damage had been done.
Later in the half we had an issue where 3 of our players (specifically ustilo, azr and nifty who all sit side by side) kept getting disconnected from the server. It wasnt our "keyboard or mouse" as ppl claimed on reddit. We had approx 5 admins behind us who saw the red writing in the top corner "warning no connection" and the disconnect countdown timer each time. This happened for about 6 rounds in row. In every single round at least one person had this disconnect. Some of these rounds we lost and couldnt replay and others we won but lost players dieing for no reason because they were disconnected (specifically ustilo who just automatically strafes out long to get awped). We were told none of these rounds could be replayed because damage was done each time.
After about the 6th round of this happening (the super long pause) the team of admins paused and said "this is major server failure and we are going to rollback to 1-0 to us". He went over to Signature and they obviously didnt agree and he came back and said we play from 2-3 so i assume they compromised. We didnt bring up the idea of rolling back and we didnt push for 1-0 this was the admins idea after watching us disconnect for 6 rounds straight. He could see us playing being disconnected and losing the rounds. Obviously each round we got frustrated and complained and they told us each time damage was done and to keep playing. At no point did they disconnect, they replaced all of our PC's, the network cables and the switch on our side of the stage (the long pause). The match resumed at 3-2 and i dont think we had any issues after they replaced all the gear.
The admins are very strict, we had a whole team of admins behind us who saw everything. The issue was so severe i think they even said on stream the match was going to be postponed till the next day. Do you think they would of stopped the entire tournament if we were just making up excuses about keyboards and mice? They could clearly see the issues and thats why the pause went on for over and hour for them to replace all the equipment on our side of the stage.

That's the story, your welcome to believe it or continue to call us renepause if you want, its up to you. At least the truth is now out there.

Renegades CSGO.

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