
Fergus2k8 · @Fergus_TK

27th May 2017 from TwitLonger

Thoughts/reflections on matches vs Kane

Just gonna write some of my thoughts and areas that can be improved in the matches that I've had vs Kane.

I need to reduce my usage of df12/df14 followups in general, this is very strong vs some people but vs patient players, the mixup is not in my favour at all, even within the wall for df14 mid splat.

I need to tighten up some oki situations, something I can only really do in practice mode myself. Was whiffing stuff on backrises, look for new potential stray backroll catches. Such as landing UB into run up df3 on people who quickrise and duck, pretty sure I can then get a f2 backroll catch after that.

More usage of ff1 as a wall ender is needed too if I want to get more damage if I'm behind on life as it guarantees me a free mid splat/d1+2 mixup if they backroll. If I did 1+4,2,4 string and they techrolled, I have to guess the direction they teched if I want to do mid/d1+2 mixup, this isn't the case with ff1 as there's only one way to getup. I feel like this is something that's gonna take a long time to get comfortable with specific oki situations like this.

Also need to be more aware of when people are happy to lie on the ground, this is a free grounded RD hit for me.

The UB setups I was doing are fake, they can be walked raw. I am not 100% sure after 2,1,1+2 s! if it can be stepped, but it most likely can be parried/reversaled. I started to notice people interrupting the spins if I do it raw, which is why I went for 1/2 spins alone to CH their attempts as I've done vs Kane in early GFs. Need to find consistent uninterruptable setups for this.

Dash up 1+2 is such a strong option, especially since I sensed Kane liked to twitch duck when I moved in, but I got too autopilot with it. Not that it was a bad thing since 1+2 is safe anyway (lol) but I definitely lost damage in those openings that I've gained by dashing into his face. Need to explore more offensive options with lows that isn't just db3 to create space. Perhaps using db4 to initiate offense via low and baiting stuff at a closer range.

While we're on db3, I need to notice that my opponent is respecting my db3 on hit so I need to switch it up to more of an offensive pace through db4 and f2~d cancels into FC mixups. I used to use ws3+4 a lot to approach when they respect it since it has a bit of a canned mixup afterwards, I'm very confident in my f2 whiff punishment on any buttons after db3 on hit, but I can't be looking out for it all the time. I need to know when to pursue offense when they won't do anything for me. db3 loops isn't really enough as the damage is a bit low if they're patient, need to rack up damage through aggression.

Need to go over certain Yoshi strings as I've sensed that I let a lot go punished, particularly the CD2 (the non rage drive version?), the BT mid mid string looked unsafe. I know how to deal with df12 but the muscle memory is not there to counter it everytime, I only punished it once with Asuka's db2 as a hard read and it paid off. Definitely need to get that down 100% to get around Yoshis abusing the string. Same with b22 on block, since Asuka lost her punish on this move due to it being -13 and more pushback. Forced to duck it now to punish it and a b21 attempt wasn't done so I should be ready to duck b22 in the future. Muscle memory again.

I was punishing his FF4s with generic d4 as it seems to be guaranteed, I feel like this is not a good enough punish with how good ff4 is as a NH ranged mid launcher with low crush capability. This move HAS to be SWL'ed to get a real punish on it via f2 or maybe even b214 in the back, blocking it and doing d4/df4 is not enough. Maybe I can consider taking my free mid/low mixup on block rather than being content with a low damage punish. Will have to explore my options exactly.

Didn't really use 3,1 enough at all, its a very strong mid mid hitconfirm for good damage. Dunno where that went.... I used to use it a lot previously. Didn't use enough cancans at all as well, as I know Kane has good whiff punishment with b22 but I should have challenged his lows more. Also WAYYYY more reversals, even just a few times to really scare them to apply offensive pressure on Asuka. This can have a long term impact in a FT3. Also I can get free RD off it....

Maybe bind 1+2 to a shoulder button, as I was messing up the RD input in a crucial moment post reset. I had the screw and went for RD ff1 but I got ff1 instead and whiffed it and he got up and KO'ed me. Final round twice. The combos wouldn't have killed but it would have put me in a good position to take the round. Bit annoying....

Kane played really well and knew Asuka's stuff, so it's up to me to get the Yoshi counters down to muscle memory, such as the aforementioned df12 and b22 . I feel like this will lessen the gap between us by a LOT if I can punish Yoshi's stuff correctly and consistently. As he has a lot of new T7 to get accustomed to, this can only really be done through grinding the Yoshi MU post release.

All in all, the reset was a bit anti-climatic.. bit disappointed with the dropped RD combos as they could have switched the favour to me completely, will definitely need to look into button binding and apply the previous strategies above.

And speedkicks if you're reading this, yesyesyes movement too!

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