
Narsha · @The_Narsha

27th May 2017 from TwitLonger

A long long time ago in a Nexus far away, my team Agents007 finally found a worthy rival ingame and in the memegame. That team was Vis Inertia. Now several seasons later that team is called Team Solid and have as part of the Holy Meme Triangle with Don our Fedoras become good friends, so when my beloved Agents007 decided to disband and spread the clown to other teams I only wanted to play Sylvanas for one of these teams, and luckily Team Solid were looking for a Sylvanas-player!

I'm very happy to been given the chance to join Team Solid, and look very much forward to moving into season 4 with them. I will do my best to not disappoint my new teammates (especially Pittor <3 ) and work hard for all the fans of former Vis Inertiae and Wolves eSports.

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