
zedzke · @zedzke

25th May 2017 from TwitLonger


Hey guys & gals,

As some people already know, I will not be continuing to play with the Athletico main team as we have had major internal issues throughout the past few weeks/months. I am sure that this could be seen in our play at the recent ESL Finals LAN. This was not an environment in which I enjoyed playing in at all however I will not go into details out of respect for all of the guys, as on a personal level everyone is still a friend. It is best that I go my separate way.

I'm not the type to team hop often so I will be chilling out for a bit, I am finishing working full time in 3 weeks and I will be starting uni after that, which will give me a lot more time to focus on CS.

Would also just like to thank Athletico for helping us out as much as possible along the way, as they have supported us from the beginning of the team.

I am open to answering any questions over pm, and will be open to any team offers.



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