Wanna Know Who's REALLY Responsible for the Oklahoma City Bombing?

A *lot* of information packed in here. Sorry it's so sloppy.

1) Duterte's favorite narrative:
"China & Russia vs. the world". Has the warm fuzzies for Russia.

2) Eurasianist movement popping up in the Philippines:


Here's Duterte explaining Filipino Eurasianism to RT:


3) Remember the Rev. Donald Tan, the Filipino clergyman behind the
Trump campaign's first robocall?


4) Look at Duterte's sympathies with the New People's Army, including
his Cabinet appointments.

5) Within 24 hours of Leland Yee's arrest, the Filipino national
police arrested the head of the New People's Army.

6) Terry Nichols' wife was from Cebu and her father was a police
officer. Nichols travels back to the Philippines & he goes to
Mindanao. He also travels to Davao, which happens to be the town that
Duterte was the mayor of, shortly afterwards.

After becoming mayor, Duterte began randomly shooting people he
thought were criminals.

Nichols and McVey were never able to make their bombs go "BOOM" until
Nichols took that trip to the Philippines.

7) Concerning Low Order Explosives:
How was Anders Behring Breivik able to figure out how to create as powerful a bomb as he did?

CTC Sentinel West Point refers to what Breivik did as "enrichment".


How is it that someone with no experience in Chemistry, Physics or
Engineering can accomplish this?

Only explanation is training with the help of state actors.

I am not going to cover specifics, but the state actors lead back to none other than RU intelligence.

Breivik traveled to Belarus in order to find a mail-order bride. The
girl he met is now married to is a Lutheran church organist in Minnesota.
Source: "One of Us : the Story of Anders Breivik and the Massacre in
Norway", Asne Seierstad. The book also mentions that everyone knew that
Breivik was in the closet. Mail order bride? Really? Mail-order bride
outfits have connections with the security services.

This was during the same time period that the anti-fracking movement
was sweeping across Europe...and Nordstream/Comrade Gerhard Schröder won. Statoil is just across the
street from parliament building that got blown up in Oslo.

8) The "Knights Templar", some very important links...

Nazario Moreno González
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazario_Moreno_Gonz%C3%A1lez - faked his
death on Dec. 10th, 2010.

Announcement of the creation of the Knights Templar drug cartel was
the same month as Breivik's terrorist act.

Servando Gómez Martínez
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Servando_G%C3%B3mez_Mart%C3%ADnez - Moved blow and crystal from FARC country.

Both Breivik and Martinez were obsessed with the 2007 Swedish film,
"ARN: The Knight Templar".

All the iconic imagery used by Breivik and Martinez came from that film.

Dresden: The only two non-Warsaw Pact citizens who Putin recruited
were Columbian chemists. Knights Templar moves blow.

Breivik was on an amphetamine when he conducted both the bombing and
the shooting, and when he was constructing the bomb. Knights Templar
moves meth.

Nichols went to Davao. Davao has a meth problem. Timothy McVeigh was
on meth when he constructed the bomb.

Making bombs of this nature is very labor intensive. Breivik's bomb
was even more labor intensive. Meth would have given him the extra edge he needed.

'Nationalists without borders' the silent emergence of the new right
international. By Todd R. Bennington. Master thesis Webster
University. Look up on http://worldcat.org. Mentions its rise in

Knights Templar full circle, HT: @kittenninja42

Patriot News Agency, out of England, set up to help elect Trump.
Patriot News Agency originated "spirit cooking" that spread to the
other disinfo sites that they are connected with. Jim Dowson is a
member of Knights Templar and associated with right wing groups in
Eastern Europe:


Jim Dowson befriended a guy named Michael Stone, who was involved with
Red Hand Commando:

Knights Templar website out of Scotland, praising Duterte:

Look at the connections to Ireland, Serbia, etc:

"A big thank you to supporters in America and the Philippines and
other countries who have contributed to this."

The Knights Templar posted an article by Dugin:

Davao City, Cebu City and Okinawa:

Leader of the Knights Templar, in Washington, DC:

And the pièce de résistance...

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