
++ JoJo · @JosiahTimp

20th Mar 2017 from TwitLonger

. @SigmaGamingHQ roster change.

With Anaheim being 3 Months away, I've decided to make a roster change and here's why.

My org has been entirely too good to me so far this year, I as a captain have failed to create a team that deserved the sigma treatment and didn't provide them with the representation that they deserve.

After placing T64, followed by T48 I spoke with the owner and spoke about quite a few things. Since the next event is Anaheim It will be a hell of a lot cheaper with the roster I have in mind which is a roster I've had in mind for months. As you'd expect after two disappointing placements, my org wasn't really looking forward to funding cross country flights and they want a roster that they're confident in.

My old teammate Performal is turning 18 in A few weeks and I have been waiting on this since day 1 of the game just as I did last year for GodFormz. I have full confidence in him as a player and since he also lives in Vegas it's convenient for the org which is vegas based and us as a team.

I also plan on picking up another young player who got hit with the 18+ rule Rampy. Some of you know who Rampy is some of you don't. He was under Relapsed in AW along side Simple Kongsta and Nadez and I believe he attended one more event alongside chandler kongsta and Nadez. He turns 18 in a few weeks as well and is a flat out beast.

With that being said. at the moment I'm not looking for a roster . I plan to begin grinding with Rampy Performal and GodFormz asap and I'm excited to see what we can do.

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