
anna · @Petalouda8

10th Mar 2017 from TwitLonger

I see this said a lot to #Friz fans, or more specifically, #LizFFs and it just irks me. Imma hafta take this to twitlonger, cause there’s no way I can respond the way I want to in just 140 characters.

What’s said: How can a Liz fan want her with Franco?

The short & simple answer should be: it’s NOT. REAL. These are fictional people in a fictional story and I can like or dislike anyone I please without it saying something about the kind of person I am.

Unfortunately, there are plenty of people who refuse to be logical, and still demand to know how I, as a Liz fan, can be okay with her being in a relationship with Franco.

So let’s compare, shall we?

Franco doesn’t put Elizabeth up on a pedestal. He sees her flaws. He acknowledges her flaws. He calls her out on her flaws. And he delights in her flaws.

Franco acknowledges and loves the fact that Elizabeth can handle herself, that she’s strong and capable, and doesn’t need someone to come in and save her. He wants to save her (as he should), but he knows he doesn’t need to.

Franco doesn’t let her walk away. All Liz fans know that our girl’s first instinct is to run when she’s afraid, or unsure of a new situation. And she’s run from Franco. But he doesn’t just stand there and watch her walk out the door. He fights to be with her.

Franco doesn’t have some grand lie he’s keeping from Elizabeth. He doesn’t hide anything from her. And when he tries to keep her in the dark about something? The boy lasts for all of 2 minutes before confessing all to her.

Elizabeth is never second choice for Franco. She is his first and only choice. She is also never cast aside when someone else catches his eye. Because he doesn’t see anyone but Elizabeth.

Franco doesn’t sponge off of Elizabeth, he doesn’t rely on her to handle everything for him. He’s willing to do whatever it takes to be as supportive as possible of her, of her children.

Franco only looks at Elizabeth with love and awe. There is no eye-rolling. There are no condescending glances. There is no derision. She is amazing to him, and you can see that she is every time he looks at her.

So. What’s not to like about any of the above? Franco committed heinous crimes in the past, you say? He did. So did every. other. guy. Elizabeth’s been paired with.

Franco never atoned for his crimes, you say? Ummm - who ever does on GH? No one. In fact, Franco is the only one in years who’s at least ATTEMPTED to atone. So the hypocrisy is delicious here. Because those characters he’s attempted to atone to, those characters who’s fans constantly demand atonement - none of those characters have atoned for a damned thing they’ve done. And they’ve done plenty. So. Yeah. HardPass on needing Franco to atone, or be redeemed.

Basically I’m dumbfounded how any Liz fan can be so anti-Friz. Re-read all of the above, and then add to that: incredible chemistry between two actors, incredible commitment by two actors to portray a story beautifully, and happiness and delight from both actors to be paired with each other.

But all of this that I’ve typed up is really just a waste of time. Because - again - IT’S NOT REAL. It’s a fucking soap opera, where fictional people find themselves in outlandish, unrealistic situations. It’s called suspending disbelief and enjoying a NOT TRUE story. And anyone who judges me for what I choose to enjoy has issues that go way beyond what can be reasoned with in a twitlonger

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