
Bryan · @TechCityPC

6th Mar 2017 from TwitLonger

What Really Happened between Joker and I at PAX in September 2016

This is a reply to Joker's accusations against me about what happened at PAX 2016.

So what exactly happened between Joker and I in the USA? Well from when I met up with him it all began, I mean where do I begin...? holding me up for hours on day one when I picked him up from the airport and told him I needed to get home asap for my package, they (him and my brother) could have taken the rent a car we borrowed after that, but nah he said my package would be fine, all while he was buying $300+ worth of weed, running all around Seattle, then we get back to the apartment, package is stolen... then after that makes me and my brother overpay for meals, then abuses us saying we need to pay more for tips, when he can't do math at all... Then holds us up in the apartment for 2 hours (the air bnb before the downtown apartment), then complains about my bro stopping at a Marshalls for 2 friggin minutes, then reorders my package to his house which I really needed for PAX. I told him I would of ordered off my account, but he insisted since he owed me money. I specifically asked him to double check the address, said yeah his got this... package gets delivered to his house in NJ (we were staying in Seattle)... So now we are changing from the air bnb to the hotel.
The guy didn't give two shits, just a "oh lets go down a camera store...., " yeah cause the camera store has a light weight tripod with light weight fluid heads there for $150 US (more like $350+).... and he wouldn't have paid the difference between amazon and a retail store either.. so I had to waste my first day of PAX running to Fry’s and ordered overnight shipping from amazon to my hotel, and then after that I had to go buy a new HDMI cable later cause I found out he hadn't replaced my HDMI cable that he busted at the apartment, just didnt' give a shit, nor did he apoligize at any point in time for any of these things.
The next thing was I got PAX passes for me and my brother, then he tries to take the passes and give them to TimmyTechTV without even giving two shits about whether my brother wanted to go to PAX, after all they were my bros tickets, not his.... then comes into my hotel room downtown and literally takes over the place, the hotel room that I ordered... wtf, wants me to sleep on the floor in my own room, pays no money for staying there, not even chipping in, then at the restaurant charges me and my bro $3.5 each for chips when we are putting him up in $250 a night hotel, says no thanks or anything for helping him out., then charges us $3 for ubers that go 500m to PAX that, we don't need, but he does, we should have just walked honestly.
Now this is where Ed from Techsource comes into the picture – he was at PAX and had a double room, and offered to let me and my brother stay in his hotel room, since my room only had 1 queen sized bed and his had two. So basically we stayed with Ed for the PAX event, that is why I have respect for Ed, because he helped me out when my brother and I were in desperate need. We had already had a big blow up bed for Joker and me and my brother could have shared the queen sized bed in the original apartment, but that wasn’t happening according to Joker (he was hysterical about it).
Other things he did too was started driving the rent a car that doesn't have his name insured on it... I also asked him to give me time to upload episode TGW #65 to my channel, says nah he couldn't be bothered...and also takes my brother’s laptop at the hotel on the first day when I needed it to start doing my videos, then doesn't even say thanks when we bring him home dinner....
Geez that's most of it anyway, but yeah I think Joker one of the worst human beings I have ever met in my life and yes I want nothing to do with him ever again, as for the latest video, we had a skype call in October last year, and he promised me he would never jump on a troll account ever again, but low behold he jumps on his Gene Starwind Account (the same one that brutally attacked Jay in the Joker vs Jay open air test bed dilemma) and starts posting crap on HUB's channel.
Lastly As for IPVanish, they approached me and I just simply said I could do them a video, I think they said you asked them for $1,000 USD? I asked them for a free subscription so I could try out the service, and they provided me with a life time subscription after the video was done and I received commissions for every sale.

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