
Zimba · @zimbabve

3rd Mar 2017 from TwitLonger

Jaunākais par #Rigvir // Latest on #Rigvir - caution advised!

Onkologi prasa izņemt "Rigvir" no Zāļu reģistra nepietiekamu pierādījumu dēļ: http://www.irlv.lv/2017/2/7/rigvir
Rigvir lieta: Aizdomas par ārstu ietekmēšanu caur advokātiem: http://nra.lv/latvija/200321-rigvir-lieta-aizdomas-par-arstu-ietekmesanu-caur-advokatiem.htm
Plašs Materia Medica raksts ar ārstu komentāriem un pacienta stāstu: https://t.co/0HrXKKASZO:
TV3 ziņu sižets Nr. 1: http://bit.ly/2c5CD7a
TV3 ziņu sižets Nr. 2: http://bit.ly/2c7rvGR
IR raksts "Cerību pārdevēji": http://www.irlv.lv/2016/9/28/ceribu-pardeveji
Īss un labi saprotams pārskats KsenijaKomente.lv: http://bit.ly/2c23XTk
Annas Ullas Rones un Ināras Rubenes atbilde uz Viroterapijas fonda vadītāja Repšes apgalvojumiem: http://www.irlv.lv/blogi/politika/vai-politika-izglabs-rigvir
Latvijas Radio par Daces Baltiņas interešu konfliktu: http://bit.ly/2iAiwwV
Tvnet.lv par Rigvir: http://bit.ly/2iXHuYo
Eiropas Komisijas centrs CORDIS atceļ maldinošu preses relīzi par Rigvir un uzsāk izmeklēšanu par ES finansējuma projektu: https://twitter.com/myCORDIS/status/773911095023116289
Jana Simanovska par Rigvir ētisko pusi: https://grafiti.lv/2016/09/27/parunasim-par-etiku-rigvir/
Kardiologs Andris Skride par uz pierādījumiem balstītas medicīnas principiem un Rigvir: http://play24.lv/video/6221/viesis-andris-skride
Kas strādā VC jeb sertifikācijas problēmas: http://bit.ly/2aNNvFu
Mans garais izklāsts: http://bit.ly/2axIX5b
Mans 26.07 iesniegums Veselības inspekcijai (bez personas datiem): http://bit.ly/2b2BERm
Pirmais raksts Delfi.lv: http://bit.ly/2aIEonT
Veselības inspekcijas 26.08 atbilde uz manu iesniegumu, kas apstiprina negodīgu komercpraksi: http://bit.ly/2bmBuGt
Veselības inspekcija izvērtēs jaunu gadījumu: https://twitter.com/veselibasinspek/status/779198911881814016
Jānis Buholcs par "nomelnošanas kampaņu" kā atrunu: http://www.lsm.lv/lv/raksts/arpus-etera/janis-buholcs-nomelnosanas-kampana-un-citas-ertas-atrunas.a212078/

A translation of an article with extensive overview of Rigvir history, problematic advertising and evidence level, published in Materia Medica magazine in October 2016: http://skepticisms.lv/enciklopedija/rigvir-when-science-takes-a-back-seat/
13.02.2017: Rigvir registration and compensation status to be reviewed: http://www.lsm.lv/en/article/societ/society/latvia-to-review-state-compensation-for-rigvir-anti-cancer-drug.a223586/
07.02.2017: Three leading Latvian medical associatons - oncologists, oncologists-chemotherapists and rare disease specialists, as well as the head of pharmacology department in Stradina University request to remove #Rigvir from Latvian drug register due to insufficient evidence of efficacy, to review clinical guidelines and to evaluate conflicts of interest: for now only Google Translate version: http://bit.ly/2kDocZ1

Latvian TV3 reports on illegal advertising and unethical business practice by Rigvir producers and Global Virotherapy Clinic, comment by the head of Oncology Association of Latvia: http://bit.ly/2chfhZN
European Commission cancels Rigvir press release and launches an investigation into an EU #H2020 funding project: http://bit.ly/2caBRlb
Blogger (a defender of evidence-based approach) post with an overview of the situation: http://bit.ly/2bXkwQN
Initial article submitted to Latvian media, an extended overview of the situation that lead to submitting a complaint to Health inspectorate of Latvia: http://bit.ly/2c1M0mG
Second report by Latvian TV3 news, only Google Translate version for now: http://bit.ly/2cH9qMw
A podcast on Mexican alternative cancer clinics, describing Hope4Cancer clinic (from 01:20:00), the exclusive partner of Latvian Virotherapy Centre, and the claims made about Rigvir (from 01:30:00) http://ohnopodcast.com/investigations/2017/1/2/ross-and-carrie-cure-cancer-tijuana-edition
A description of Hope4Cancer, accredited partner clinic in Mexico: http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Hope4Cancer
Undercover journalist goes to film Hope4Cancer in 2012: http://bit.ly/2jyMtBX
New Zealand TV on Hope4Cancer alternative clinic and "smoke and mirrors" medicine they offer: http://bit.ly/2jyJXeP
Samoa news outlet on Hope4Cancer alternative clinic: http://bit.ly/2iAfMj8

Врачи не понимают, как Rigvir включен в список компенсируемых лекарств: http://rus.delfi.lv/news/korotko/vrachi-ne-ponimayut-kak-rigvir-vklyuchen-v-spisok-kompensiruemyh-lekarstv.d?id=48493697
Латвийские онкологи выступили против препарата Rigvir: http://www.lsm.lv/ru/statja/obschestvo/novosti/latviyskie-onkologi-vistupili-protiv-preparata-rigvir.a223118/
Rigvir: латвийская история успеха или афера государственного масштаба? http://rus.delfi.lv/news/daily/latvia/rigvir-latvijskaya-istoriya-uspeha-ili-afera-gosudarstvennogo-masshtaba.d?id=48231695

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