
BONE · @Dogs_R_Out

18th Feb 2017 from TwitLonger

Tweets not disappeared you opened another account


Tweets not disappeared you opened another account

Tiffany Tiffincake
Tiffany Tiffincake
I had an email saying a message was in my twitter account and I can see part of the message in the email but not all of it. I'm currently locked out of my debbie bacon account so using my dogs name as so many other debbie bacons out there. I understand grime the part of your message that I could read that you are concerned about Chris. He's not speaking with me at the moment as I've upset him. I am however very concerned about him and will do what I can to help him. Debbie
Jan 18
this was that message.....
If you or your husband have any influence with Chris or contact with his GP. Someone should be ordering a psychiatric report on him. I have had to block him, I will not get involved with him anymore. I have also just been told that Roberts funeral is on Monday the 23rd not on the 25th as he told the courts. I have been warned by 5 people not to get involved with him as it will end in him taking a civil case against me. That that is his life and that that is what killed his partner. I do not know who or what to believe anymore
Jan 18

Tiffany Tiffincake
Thanks for resending. I'm not in Chris's circle of trust at the moment, but I will see what I can do to help. Debbie
Jan 18
Please do, I am very concerned about his mental health, as I told the officer this morning.

Please do, I am very concerned about his mental health, as I told the officer this morning.
Jan 18

He told me that after his partners funeral he would be going to a hotel with a bottle of whisky and sleeping pills. I had to inform the police of his plans. There is a law, which I am sure you know all about to report any threats of suicide or personal harm. I will be no part of a suicide pact for whatever reason
Jan 18

Since I followed Chris, I have been accused of being 6 different people by people who he follows on here. One of them I have followed for a very long time, as I said, I have no idea what is going on, all I know is I do not want to be involved with him or his followers anymore.
Jan 18

Tiffany Tiffincake
Don't blame you. I'm not bothering with anyone either.
Jan 18
I was out on the streets yesterday from 8pm until 2.30 am helping the homeless, that is where my heart is, not for helping people who cause their own misery.
Jan 18

Tiffany Tiffincake
Bless you. I'll see what I can do for Chris, but if it's met with too much abuse I might just have to leave things be. D
Jan 18
I really did try. I wish you all the best, I apologise if I have caused you any anxiety through my DMs, I just feel very frustrated not knowing who is who on here.
Jan 18

I have the whole of our conversations, I just have to give proof not once did I ask for your husbands phone number. Please wake up Debbie and smell the coffee

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