
Alex · @Alexensual

16th Feb 2017 from TwitLonger

I have refunded the $1000 Elysium donation and here's why.

Hello all, as you may have heard by now, there's a lot of recent events going on lately. Let's start first with the Legacy Pact.

Crestfall and Elysium have come under a pact now under the Legacy Gaming Network started around last week. At first I thought this was a cool idea, but recent events make me wonder. Let's start with some solid, concrete evidence.

This is all of the evidence provided this far to the new hirings of System Admin Whitekidney, Zzuk (sells vanilla wow bots), and Radeghost, aka the GM on PlayTBC who did the retarded stream session before it launched, who also was selling powerleveling services on Elysium just last month. That's fine though. Also, according to Shenna, Whitekidney is "cool", a guy who wanted to form a gold selling ring on Nostalrius, but I'll let the screenshot speak for itself.

Now today, we have a forum post from Asura seen here, also quoted by Shenna who supports the thread:

Basically, they think any critique of either server is "drama". They stand by these staff hirings, and even defend PlayTBC staff hirings, showing obvious lack of judgment in decision making.

But wait, there's more:

Now we're getting information it's not just Radeghost on the CF team in a small role, but there was another person not named, and another person who apparently is no longer there. You also see a staff member slip up and maybe admit something that shouldn't have been said. Regardless, this is fucking retarded.

I'm done donating to these servers, and to a degree supporting them.

I have refunded all of the money I have given to Elysium. Now, I'm also doing this to give back to you guys who donated. If you have a transaction ID from paypal from that day and want your money back, I will refund the money to you. Please contact me on Discord or Twitter with the transaction ID that you sent me.

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