
Nika · @_nikap

4th Feb 2017 from TwitLonger

Sanguine Esports Season 4!

As you know, after super regionals the old Sanguine roster slowly disbanded. With the months leading up to the new SPL split there was a lot of uncertainty and rumours around what team would get this spot but I'm glad to announce that me and Dodo are going to be forming the roster that represents Sanguine for season 4:

Adc: me! (captain)
Support: @deathpanter_
Mid: @MrSt3fan_
Jungle: @MikeTheMagicarp (idiot ign pls change)
Solo: @theDdodo

We haven't been together for long, but the short time together has been very promising and positive overall. Everybody is learning the new season day by day, the team environment is great and we have a lot of confidence in our potential as the season progresses!

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