
bodyy · @bodyy

3rd Feb 2017 from TwitLonger

A new chapter.

Hi everyone.

Ten months ago, a big opportunity has been given to me, G2 asked me to join them. The hype was unreal, i was gonna play with legendary players in the name of RpK, ScreaM, SmithZz and shox. They integrated me in the best way possible, and they became my friends after the months spent with them. I can't thank them enough for what they taught me both ingame and outside the game in those 10 months.
When I heard about the shuffle, it was an hard decision to make at the start, I was so sad for my teammates and I felt excited about the new big opportunity that they gave me. It is a new challenge for me, and I think we are gonna be in the best conditions possible to perform. I'm also sure SmithZz will do an excellent job in his new role, and i'm pretty sure he could've still beat some asses if he would've stayed a player.
I am sure this new line-up will succeed, all the players are so motivated and the potential is enormous, my teammates are all major champions, one of them won it twice, I hope to be part of it too one day ! Thanks again for the trust they are putting in me once again.

Thanks a lot to my former teammates. Cedric, Adil I'm wishing you the best in everything you are gonna initiate, i'm sure it will work.
And a big thanks to G2 aswell for everything you are doing for us.

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