answer stuff
236S throws a business card right in front of him, H throws it further.
22S warps to the S business card, H warps to the H card
H jumps out from the H card
421S attacks by shooting a clone out of the S business card upwards.
214P sets two scrolls in the air, where it's set depends on the buttons pressed
When Answer gets near a scroll in the air, he naturally clings onto it
The followups are:
P: counter
K: warp below into a sliding attack
S: downwards kick
H: slight jump forward into an attack
D: rushing move
22: counter
623K is a command grab, cannot combo into it
632146S throw multiple shuriken, slow startup
236236K is a rushing move like Banki (Chipp's super),
(go to this tweet to see the positions Answer sets scrolls)

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