And for those saying I was cheating with smoke kit.

Again looks awful but was never intentional. If there was a way to listen to the coms you'd hear how one of my teammates bought smoke kit and I had at this point bought nothing. Someone pointed our we had cl_updaterate at 64. So we had to disconnect to switch to 128. I spawned in on the kit and smoke and we even said we weren't going to use it and never did. Died outside and the team didn't pick them up or anything. Again one of those things that you don't think is a big deal at the time but was never intentional and never was going to be used/exploited. Hindsight should have just messaged admin and had shit re-reset no real excuse but yeah that looks really bad and I'm sorry but I do really love CS more than anything and would never try to win ubfairly. :/

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