
Alexis · @MarineLorDSC2

31st Dec 2016 from TwitLonger

New year, new start

Hey guys,making this twitlonger to announce that i'll take a step back from sc2 after WESG.
As you may know i really don't love playing the game since the start of 2016, i think the
game design is really going in the wrong way since the release of lotv, the new major patch
confirmed my thought . I'm not going into details but for now i'll try to become an overwatch progamer, i really like the game, I know it's a very hard transition to go from a RTS to a FPS so i can't be sure i'll be succesfull, but i'm taking the risk .
A big shoutout to llewelys and millenium for supporting me since 4 years, letting me play
for the best french team even if i had a pathetic start and a very bad first year .
I will obviously play for team france in nation war, and play the wesg tournament in china
as i already made my visa and everything was booked (i will represent millenium in those tournament)
Thanks to every fan who supported me during those 3,4 years of progaming even if my result
were very inconsistent .

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