Season 4 Wish List

Season 2 is coming to an end and the scope of what Season 3 will include has already been decided and implemented. There are still a lot of features that need to be implemented to improve the competitive environment. If we want this game to thrive these improvements should be considered.

Replays/Demos - Being able to watch my own games for self-improvement is a must have. As a community we should be trying to minimize the resources you need to improve. We should help bridging the gap between being a ranked player to being a competitive player. If I were to start a serious overwatch team, I would need to hire someone to sit in during scrims and record 3rd person VODs (majority, if not all teams have someone recording). It is unacceptable for new players trying to break into the scene. The lack of tools for self-improvement is concerning.

Stats - Why reinvent the wheel? You are marketing this game as the next big esport. A game which does not have a kill/death ratio in the scoreboard. As a player I should be able to hit tab, see that I'm not getting enough kills. If I am on a team as a leader I should be able to hit tab to see all my teams stats and make a call on that information. Data is important for improving; the lack of it is hurting the community. Real time data via the "tab screen" and post match data to analyze needs to be improved.

Ranked: Maps - The game needs a Map Veto system for ranked mode. A system similar to sc2 where a user can veto 3-4 maps from the current overwatch map pool. This is a good idea long term. The ability to see what maps people do not like at all different skill levels will help the development of maps in the future.

Ranked: Soloq - I have never been a fan of ranked, I always recommend to people to scrim instead. The fastest way to improve is to scrim and play matches with a team. That being said, dynamic queue has proven to be exploited at the higher levels of play. The ability to stack is unfair to the people who do not. While soloq has its own flaws, a separate queue for these people is for the best. If people from ranked will be invited to a future "combine" you would want a system that puts people on an even playing field. I know bliz devs have put a lot of good work into dynamic queue, but I don't see a viable way around this.

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