
100T steel · @JoshNissan

4th Nov 2016 from TwitLonger

How are you supposed to approach the game with low hp?

My PC is busy rendering a video showcasing how much of a fucking bot bogdan is so I can't record another video. You have to read now so fucking deal with it.

There are a number of ways you can approach the game having low hp. The different ways depend on certain factors/variables within a round.

If you have a man or two man advantage as a terrorist and you're low hp, turning into a flanker/map controller is a good play to make. With low hp, chances of surviving attacking a bombsite are slim but since you already have an advantage, holding positions to stop rotations is putting you to good use. Example of this: your team is playing dust2 and you have two picks. You know that an enemy is towards b, another towards a, and another unknown. Leaving the low hp player towards greenbox/b tunnels while your team pressures/attacks A is a good way to maximize success. Your healthy teammates are able to take a bombsite while you turn your hp disadvantage into a positional advantage by dealing with rotators. The odds of your team being unable to reliably win the round 4v2 at A in this situation is low.

If you have a man disadvantage and you know where an enemy awper is, challenging him aggressively with low hp is a smart decision since you're going to be dead in one shot anyways. This gives you the chance to equalize a round where you're already at a disadvantage.

If you have a man disadvantage or you're even in players alive, you can be cannon fodder for your team. If your team does not know the exact positions of the enemies, you can use your life as a resource to get valuable information so that your team can get a trade kill and acquire map control. As the CTs generally split up in standard 2-1-2 or 2-3 setups on dust2, the terrorists can, in most scenarios, outnumber the CTs and play a post-plant situation in a 3v3/2v2 situation.

If you are a CT and have no players down, choosing an angle where only your head is exposed is a good choice as you'll be dead in one shot whether they hit your toe or your face. Getting a kill in this situation would be huge.

If you are a CT and have a player or two disadvantage, you can either choose to stack a site with the rest of your team or play for the save if they don't go in your direction

If you are a CT and have a player or two advantage, hide like a fucking pussy and make the terrorists fully commit into an exposed position if they want to kill you. If they commit their lives fully to kill you, make sure your teammate is in a position where they can ensure a trade.

This covers most of the scenarios. The argument that bogdan was making where you should be given an awp with low hp would be if you know where an enemy awper is so that you can go aggressively in a 1v1 duel. YOU CANNOT TAKE MAP CONTROL BY GIVING AN AWP TO A LOW HP RIFLER AND EXPECT TO WIN RELIABLY. Your low hp player will be baiting the full hp players while the full hp player needs to check all sorts of nooks and crannies where he can walk straight into a trap or crossfire setup

That's all
Thanks for reading
Get fucked bogdan you absolute fucking smeghead

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