
Marcus · @Dyrus

13th Oct 2016 from TwitLonger

dyrus' thoughts

This video will be unlisted since the purpose of this is to get my feelings out to my fans who wanted me to go through with the whole "burn thorin" and not to get my fans who only watch me for league content caught up in the crossfire


Let's face it, if I don't make it, people jab at me for not making it when I said I wanted to make it, and if I do make it, people will try to tear the vlog apart piece by piece so either way I lose.

So the point of this is to take responsibility to explain how I felt in the past to those who were curious of what I was thinking when I said I wanted to burn bridges. https://i.imgur.com/BwVkqY7.png

The main reasons why I don't feel the same hatred

1. Not a pro player anymore less stress, similar workload but I get to control when I take time off

2. Did research and actually watched the entire Dyrus' Durable Legacy and skimmed through the Grilled Questions in the past. Grilled compared to SI today isn't that much different when it comes to the questioned asked. Only real difference is they are more open to bash players/teams and sometimes even riot. They aren't just anti TSM they're just trying to find all the things they think is bullshit in esports and talk about it.

3. Back then there was a lot of drama between monte/regi/thorin/loco which causes the TSM fans to go ham and attack Thorin which just causes a shitshow of FanLogic tweets. I never understood this because I always tried to avoid that side of social media.

My fellow TSM fans, you guys are no better than me when it comes to this but if you guys hate thorin so much don't read his twitter, it should be easier for you guys to block it off then me since even if I blocked thorin in the past so I wouldn't see mentioned tweets, there are peers on twitter who genuinely enjoy his content who retweet and fans who always try to keep harassing me to try and get a response out of me.

Even though there is a lot of things disagree with, I do agree with somethings such as there were fans trying to blame the rules riot set up when everyone plays under the same rules for worlds. "TSM were 3-3 and RNG were 3-3 but RNG gets to move on?" Because they went 2-0 against TSM, it was in the rules everyone has to follow the same rules. It's not even only TSM fans there's a lot of dumb shit fans say but that's where some of you guys tell me to filter out which Thorin doesn't because he can make fun of them and turn it into posts that can either be viewed as funny or shitposts.

Back then SI wasn't as good, but nowadays there are a lot of things that they say on the show that is informative to people besides the obvious salt storm when it comes to anything related about TSM. How it generally works is Thorin usually brings up the questions, Monte gives the analytical answers, the guest helps create a conversation.

If anything if you hate them so much you should just support the competition in terms of trying to understand to teach people about why things happen such as the troll Beyond the Rift episodes with QT and Scarra or Blame Game with Mark. In fact I think it's severely underrated, here is one of the recent Episodes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQ9vcKHOeB4

I'm pretty sure if I ever talked it out we could find a way to come to a mutual understanding but it's just years of buried drama that's not even worth talking about anymore. After all I am irrelevant in esports hehe xd

Thank you to the people who didn't want me to go ham to hurt my own reputation.

wanted to make a donezo manifesto of hatred
did 1 night of research, ended up finding things I appreciated
just wanted to get it out of my system for myself and the fans who were asking

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