In reponse to "GBM Talks Too Much"

Just thought I'd give my two cents on the matter, since I've had my share of interactions with NRG's owner as well. Some of what GBM said might be considered harsh or inaccurate, but a few things stood out to me.

> The owner of NRG just picked the players willy nilly.

100% true. He did things just like this on IMG, too. But back to NRG, I even have skype logs of Gerard (the owner) messaging me on the final day before roster lock to try to get me to sub and eventually replace GBM for playoffs. Having worked with Gerard before, I didn't really believe him, but sub money is sub money. My theory was he was trying to swap out Quas for a challenger top laner (import), but couldn't submit a form in time to get the player he wanted.

I even asked one of the players what his thoughts were and he said he knew absolutely nothing about it. I actually ended up subbing in a few scrims which went decently, but they ended up using GBM in the end.

> NA Solo Q

Yes, NA never gives up, and yes, sometimes it can be annoying, but I think that's an argument that doesn't hold much water considering it's all we've really got. If you aren't on a team (able to scrim), all you can play is solo queue. Solo queue has only recently improved because of the new decay rules, solo-only for challenger, etc.

I will say, however, that I can personally relate to how he felt his situation was bleak. I've been in that predicament multiple times, but it was particularly bad on Coast, so much so that we didn't even play a single scrim for the last month of the split. You can say all you want about trying your best to improve the situation, but in mine I genuinely had no idea what to do. It was depressing.

Lastly, I don't know if it's a translation issue or what, but the majority of the post sounds very condescending. There are rumors of GBM's paycheck and if they are true I wouldn't be surprised if it inflated GBM's ego and he felt he was just surrounded by plebs. I witnessed what a huge pay gap does first hand on IMG and I don't think there's enough infrastructure or maturity on the majority of teams yet for it to be a smart decision.

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