So, we need to talk.....

So, there's no real easy way of saying this, so I feel I should just come out and say it. I'm transgender, (Now you know why I've got rid of the @Mr_Dimmeh tag, don't cha? ;D)

I know a lot of you already know this but I feel it's time to do this shit publicly.... And I have no idea how. Maybe I should just do bullet points?

*Yes, I identify as female. Mentally I'm female just my body decided to be a dick and not match up when I was born because nature's a cunt. I realised this about 5-6 years ago and have /slowly/ been trying to deal with it since.

*No, this doesn't mean I'm going to, overnight, become girly as hell. That's not really my thing.

*Yes, I've seen my GP and have been referred to the Nottingham Gender Clinic. (Actually having my appointment is a WHOLE other story, however).

*Yes, I've started hormone replacement and have been since the 8th of last month. I'm meant to be getting them from the NHS but as they've constantly delayed my appointment I've had no choice but to self med.

*Yes, I'm feeling awkward as fuck typing this bollocks out.

*And most relevant to you guys, no. This isn't gonna affect /any/ of the content on my channel. it's still gonna take 4-5 months for me to do one video where I piss the fanbase off; I'm not turning my channel into a "LOOK AT ME I'M TRANS GIVE ME VIEWS" kinda thing.

If you guys have any questions please feel free to ask and I'll do me best to answer but really, don't make a big deal, I ain't. Well okay, I am.

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