OG Invitational FF Explanation:

First off, there are tons of allegations flying around about 'racist' comments and something to do with team morale --- These allegations are absolutely, 100% false, and have no validity. The reason behind a player being absent today has absolutely nothing to do with these baseless rumors.

Now, we understand everyone being upset with the situation at hand. Due to an unfortunate circumstance which we can't discuss very much, one of our players was unable to show up today which forced us into a vulnerable position due to other things that have had happened behind the scenes.

Our registered "Substitute" player for the tournament had decided to leave the organization a few days ago, after being placed as a Sub, and thus going into the tournament we had no sub option. When someone failed to show up today because of their circumstances, it forced us to find a 'Ringer' (a temporary substitute) or to straight up forfeit the match against Luminosity.

Despite being able to find a ringer, and getting them ready to play, we were informed that we would not be allowed to use a ringer and unfortunately had to forfeit unless we had all 6 members of our team present and ready to play.

In regards to not being able to play with a ringer, we have no specific comments. It is an unfortunate situation that we were put into due to circumstances beyond our control, and unfortunately the tournament rules forced us into forfeiting regardless of the other 5 players desire to continue forward with a temporary sub.

We are sorry to disappoint all of our fans, and we apologize to everyone involved in the OG Tournament that may have been effected by the delay. We hope that something like this never happens again, and this can just be a one-off event. Tomorrow is the beginning of a new tournament, and our team will be hungry as ever trying to make up for today.

Thanks guys for the support!

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