Actual Serious Litcrit of Mayoiga from Someone who Studies Literature Forever

So I'm just putting some crazy thoughts that are bothering my head because I will never stop thinking about this masterpiece otherwise. It's pretty short, but I think I'll mention Mayoiga again in random posts.

Mayoiga kinda achieves the impossible. It is a structurally sound AND consistent work with arcs resolved deftly, but that doesn't mean it is supposed to have "meaning"/themes. Imagine Mizushima and Okada crafting this giant glass jar and you would have expected they would fill it up with something usable -- like water or nuts. That's what the viewers expect when they saw the trailer and premise. Instead, the creators poured Aquaman comics to the brim.

It's like obvious that Mayoiga is inspired by stuff like Higurashi, Ghost Hound, and Mizushima's comparable and previous work Another. They have their own internal logic (their own glass jars) and they decide to fill it up with ideas and themes that they think work with the story the writers are trying to tell.

But what Mizushima and Okada did was show the viewers they can empty the jar in front of them. No wonder the viewers reacted with such extreme polarity! I'm sure I was not the only one who felt touched by some random dramatic scenes interspersed in the second half and was cheering on for some of the characters once I got used to the insane pacing and logic. The jar I'm in made a lot of sense as I started to watch it. But then, the ending happened. Mizushima and Okada emptied the jar again and filled it with something stupider -- like SeHNNG's shittweets.

People know the medium is the message -- but here, Mayoiga suggests that the medium IS the joke. Look at this goddamn jar. We can fill it up with anything we want like ice cream, N*SYNC memorabilia etc. And it doesn't matter if it makes any sense in terms of "meaning"/themes -- if it is structurally/internally consistent, it makes SENSE. It is supposed to make sense, but it doesn't; it only makes SENSE! SENSE is the fact that you can fill anything inside the jar.The Aquaman comics jar makes as much sense as a jar with SeHNNG's shittweets and a jar with something useful.

In Mayoiga's case, it fills the jar with Higurashi, takes it out and replaces it with AnoHana, takes it out and replaces it with Cross+Channel, takes it out and replaces it with Code Geass R2. They all fit right inside the jar and that's why it is structurally sound!

Mayoiga is a masterpiece.

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