
JTRN · @Official_JTRN

19th Jun 2016 from TwitLonger

How to get Snapchat ++ Notifications on iOS 10, May work with other ++ tweaks!

Okay so in iOS 10 Notifications stopped on side loaded apps however there is a trick which has worked for me for 3 different devices ( iPhone 6s, iPhone 5c, iPod Touch 6 ) This is how you do it

1. Try use Xcode to install Snapchat++ but make sure to change bundle ID, this makes sure it can't be overridden by the App Store Version...

1a. Just a note if you can use iPAstore on iOS10, enabling the Duplicate App option should work same way.

2. Open up Snapchat++ and log in as usual, send a couple of snaps to yourself, I did this just so I was definitely logged in, can't hurt right?

3. Go to the App Store and download Snapchat

4. Login to Snapchat (App Store Version) and get a friend to send you a couple of snaps to test you get notifications on the stock one.

5. Now login to the Snapchat++ and this is where the trick works, check you get notifications on your device, if you do, sound your sorted

6. Close both apps in multitasking, if you then still receive notifications (give it a couple of tests to make sure) your done.

FINAL NOTES: DO NOT delete the stock version of your phone, you need it there

DO NOT open up the stock version it will figure out your tricking it and stop notifications you'll more than likely have to restart the process.

You may get notifications stuck in Notification Center, just delete them, nothing bad will happen, just don't click them this will cause stock one to open.

Theory: This may be working because you have logged into another device (it thinks) but it doesn't know yet so your device still gets the (Apple Push Notification Server) messages, but as long as if you don't open the stock one it will never know its logged out and so it will give you your notifications, and also this was tested about 1 min before this message was sent to twitter so it is still working!

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