
Derek Smart · @dsmart

9th Jun 2016 from TwitLonger

Another day, yet another art plagiarism accusation at CIG

It has been that kind of week for CIG.

It all started with the disparaging tagging of backers in their Zendesk CS system: http://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1soosem

The latest plagiarism fiasco involves actor Ian Somerhalder.

The privateer concept image created by Rob Mckinnon for CIG is of the actor


An image which, like the Banu ship in yesterday's fiasco, was used to sell yet another JPEG concept ship


An image which CIG then plastered a copyright notice (see lower right corner of screen) on


Here is the composite comparison: http://i.imgur.com/PxxZVga.jpg

In case you missed the previous plagiarism festivities from earlier this week:



Make no mistake, contractor commissioned art or not, CIG is 100% liable for this stuff because it is their responsibility to vet and approve of any assets used in any form; especially in a commercial "for profit" venture. And no, this is not Fair Use; so just ignore all those nutjobs on Reddit who don't have a clue what they're talking about.

This is CIG. There's always more; and it's always worse.

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