
TPACmuse · @TPACmuse

8th Jun 2016 from TwitLonger

Misconceptions of IR Functionalities

Today, IR will be addressing misconceptions posted on Investors Hangout. First, the individual that posted this must have missed a few long tweets or emails.

The first misconception is that the IR is here to support TPAC in acquiring new investors and creating business strategies. IR is not and does not. IR is a validation and reporting tool for the shareholder solely. Again, the individual is incorrect.

As provided in previous communications, IR is an independent liaison dedicated to providing news for TPAC investors during reconstruction efforts. It is not a part of the business, financial or base management units. It does not receive funds or shares as payment from TPAC or Bill McKay.

Secondly, the individual referred to IR as providing vague answers. Again, IR can only provide what has been reported. Just because a question is asked does not mean the IR will be given an answer that one might be looking for from the business units however we provide what they offer. We do not make the news, we report it.

A third misconception is that IR is responsible for Press Releases. IR is not. PR comes directly from the business units with CEO Bill McKay’s approval or directly from him. IR doesn’t write or post. We intake questions and provide factual answers. Again, the poster is incorrect.

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