
Sinjin Thorpe · @TheEonic

28th May 2016 from TwitLonger

Envy vs Soar

Hey everyone,
I want to explain my side of the story as well as apologize for our actions against SoaR. I did not have any malicious intent toward Hi-Rez, unforunately we went into game 2 with a defeated mentality (a common theme across the season) and thought we were going to lose from the start. I can't speak for the rest of my teammates but I agreed to take the easy way out and mess around because I didn't want to take the stomp, and wanted the game over with quickly after waiting such a long time. I had to beg Snoopy to join for over a week and he agreed to give it a shot after he was having fun playing ADC in ranked. He wasn't sure about the team atmosphere and the potential the team had. After the first game everyone was joking around and in a good mood after trying to dive Hurriwind when we knew Omega wouldn't be able to reconnect. In my head, laughing and trolling was a way to hide the problems we had, instead of taking the game seriously and potentially getting outclassed with a crippled roster. Obviously that thought process was seriously flawed and failed to take into account how it would look for HiRez and the SPL. Realistically nothing was going to keep Snoopy on the team besides a miracle 2-0 win. It was easier for me not to care than to try and fail.
I'm sorry I didn't think about how this would reflect on the SPL and how insulting it is to the community. Obviously there is no excuse for my actions and any ruling from HiRez/EnVy is be well deserved. To Hirez (especially Dan), the fans of the SPL and EnVy, I am truly sorry. Nothing like this will happen ever again. Thanks for reading!

Also shoutout to Dust

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