
VF · @the_dot_dot_dot

23rd May 2016 from TwitLonger

$AAPL to happily pay $5 to acquire $MVIS within weeks per investingdaily

Imminent Apple buyout to ignite $1 stock
VR and AR technology is poised to make the iPhone obsolete. Which is why Apple — far behind other tech titans — is scrambling to play catchup. They’re buying tinier firms on the bleeding edge of VR technology — the kind that will allow Apple to leapfrog more developed players like Facebook. Now with Oculus and Hololens hitting the market, Apple is accelerating its game plan. And one tiny $1-a-share company I’ve identified is now shaping up to be their next takeover target.
The firm owns 500 patents on a retinal display technology that will become the future of augmented reality. In fact, it’s the largest single patent holder in the AR space. That’s why Apple is licking its chops to acquire this $1-a-share company. The rumors of such a takeover deal have already sent its shares surging 116% within weeks. Its acquisition could happen at any moment, handing Apple the largest patent portfolio in the market.
In other words, I wouldn’t wait to jump on this company. Apple would happily pay $5 a share or more for the patent real estate this tiny firm sits on. A prize that will eventually unlock tens of billions in value. Early investors could see three-times their money within weeks as the acquisition rumors swirl.

VR #2 retinal display technology $MVIS

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