
Taylor Eder · @Arthelon

22nd May 2016 from TwitLonger

Arth words

No official announcements have been made but its obvious I am not on C9 anymore. When it comes down to it I was/am sick of the game and that did affect me in game, but I still think my level of play was acceptable. I was definitely not 100% all the time though. In the end I think it came down to I didn't fix any of the teams problems, but I also didn't cause any, as far as I am aware. They were an awesome team and really fun teammates, I wish them the best. Cattle is a good person and a solid player, they can do well with him.

As for what I am doing with Heroes, I am at the very least taking a break, but to be honest I don't really want to come back later. For me the game hasn't satisfied me for over a year, so that is over a year of being frustrated at the game, and I think this is as good as any time for me to leave and pursue other things. I'll at least have to give grandmaster league a chance, since I have been waiting so long for it :P. But I doubt it will change much, as matchmaking and the game itself won't change with it. If I do come back it will be for streaming most likely, but we will see.

Lastly there is a lot of random and untrue comments being thrown out about me on the hots subreddit, I wanted to address it earlier but at this point it's snowballed out of control so whatevs, I did want to clarify two things though:
1. My feelings on the game didn't have anything to do with C9's or my performance at Dreamhack or anything like that
2. I never said anything bad about mvp black, they are the best players and the best team in the world.

But people will think what they want to think, I have been a top player in Heroes for 2 years now, and have always been on either the #1 or #2 team, so fuck the haters I have nothing I need to prove.

Thank you to Blizzard and other TOs for their support for Heroes and throwing awesome tournaments. Thanks to all the amazing community members, casters, and players in the scene, I wish you all the best! Special shoutouts to Zoia who I am so glad I got to live with and be a friend with, and also to Kruglife who made Arizona a great experience for me.

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