
TPACmuse · @TPACmuse

28th Apr 2016 from TwitLonger

@djknows1 Wonderful explanation.

In your explanation replace TPAC shares with Company shares X.

These shares may come from payment negotiations or direct purchase using cash reserves.

These are acquired and exited for short gains to create revenue. This is called Day Trading.

The revenue that is generated is formalized against the internal pps floor therefore also raising the market pps, restoring balance. Depending upon the amount of revenue aiding the pps, pops in the mpps can be seen. Remember no currency ever leaves this account. It is viewed every quarter as revenue.

This is referred to as hedging. The MRVB is really a hedge machine against falling pps. TPAC shares would not be used because it could possibly be seen as insider trading.

If you would like to discuss in further detail, email

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