
月 守 · @tukim0ri

26th Apr 2016 from TwitLonger

MBAACC 1.07 Version Comparisons

Just a random brain dump of my thoughts so far:


- JP tournament standard
- most stable performance-wise
- cheap to play (50yen 1credit)
- on a CRT

- ~3f of input delay changes the nature of the game considerably
- on a CRT (color balance issues are usually too complicated/dangerous for staff to fix, have to move your head to look at the screen - it's huge)
- difficult to practice on (no Training Mode)

Carnival Phantasm Ver.

- Official home release
- Works on toaster level computers with some general stability
- No input polling issues

- Screen tears a lot
- Not optimized for a lot of hardware, so overqualified computers might actually run it worse
- Tries to commit seppuku on Windows 10
- Controller set-up GUI is logistically terrible for tourneys
- Stage backgrounds extremely unstable on most hardware
- Garbage netplay for non-Japanese

CCCaster Ver.

- Has rollback
- Extra Training Mode functionality
- Amazing controller set-up GUI
- Best choice for tourney logistics

- Different input polling from all other versions, handled externally (not by the game) to make controller set-up possible
- So it feels different to play on as well.
- Requires pirated copy of MBAACC CP ver. (retail key version incompatible)
- Cannot access game settings menu

P-RAS All.net

- Essentially at every game center in Japan
- 16:4
- Input lag is same as retail versions

- Generally costs 100yen/1 play
- Came out too late so everyone playing in arcades just use RINGWIDE
- On a Lindbergh LCD monitor, so there's ~1f lag usually (some places like Ko-hatsu have it on a CRT though)

Steam Version

- Same as P-RAS All.net version in gameplay
- Fixes Training Mode combo bugs in CP ver.
- More stable background animations
- Still has active support from developer
- Less to no screen tearing
- Runs much better on high-end computers than CP ver.
- You can obtain easily through legal means
- Has English option
- Spotty ASW netplay (sometimes better or worse than CP ver. - highly variable)

- Currently delay-based netcode
- Controller set-up UI is better than CP but no hotswapping controllers is a logistics nightmare
- Might run worse on older computers compared to CP ver (this might be fixed as of v1.02)
- Not attractive to those who only can play through online

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