Fresh start! Even if there were some good things we showed lately in 2016, we had still same problems coming back again and again which couldn't allow us to go further in our results in lans. Despite big work, we (the team) were just not feeling on the same road as Ex6TenZ anymore and after the Colombus fail once again, we wanted new things. We just couldn't continue like this. So, here we are, Ex6TenZ will not be apart of the team anymore and to replace him we called @G2bodyy from LDLC.White, please wish him all the good words he deserves! I will take the place of the lead-in-game, you will be able to see us in Malmö with this line-up and our first official match is going to be played today at 18:00CET in a bo5 against Gambit for the FaceIT slot. #G2WIN

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