
Marquis · @SoloMarquisK

31st Mar 2016 from TwitLonger

Extended Bio

I'm a simple RP writer, poet, artist and gamer. I play Dragon Ball Xenoverse PS4 edition competitively, ex competitive pokemon player, Smash somewhat competitively and I play tons of other games competitively and non competitively. I love @CheerfulGirl14 with all of my heart. This account is mostly RL but it's actually half RP/RL. Don't ask for any art requests or anything though. I don't post my art online. You can gladly see some of my art or poems if you ask though. For the RP version of me it's a human has been experimented on and been though so many adventures and challenges until he met well RP Jess. He saved her life and soon afterwards the two began date and eventually get married and start a family together. Please if you'd like to know anymore just ask. I'd be happy to answer any questions.

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