
Jose Llera · @BananaKen

21st Mar 2016 from TwitLonger

SFV: Removing option selects revolving around throw tech

Capcom seems to want to remove (or at least discourage) the use of option selects involving throws, but the problem is that the upcoming jump startup change doesn't really change much in the case of fuzzy jumps. The reason why is explained here:

So what would it take to truly get rid of option selects revolving around throw/throw teching? If you want to target fuzzy jump specifically (or jump tech OS as some call it), you can add jumping inputs to the list of things that disable throw techs. Even then, there's still some things you could potentially do to OS tech, but I can't say for sure without testing the next SFV patch.

What *I* would do if I were going out of my way to remove these option selects altogether is to add a special rule for throw inputs inside a late tech window:
1. Check if the player has input LP+LK within the late throw tech window
2. Next, the game needs to examine if the player's LP+LK input results in a ground throw
3. If the game confirms that the LP+LK input is a raw throw, then it's a legal tech attempt, otherwise it fails

2. is easily either complicated and/or tedious. You could do this by special casing every single situation you can think of (this is what Capcom is currently trying to do), or you could implement a more general solution. You would need to keep track of a player's inputs before and after the throw, and once the player gets thrown you would look at the inputs and determine what the outcome of those inputs would be *assuming the player wasn't thrown*. If you could "simulate" this internally and determine whether a raw throw input comes out, then you'd effectively have a way to remove all OSes people could possibly come up with involving throw tech, since any legal tech attempt would require a raw throw whiff as a risk

So the question is: is SFV going to be a more interesting game if these throw tech OSes are truly gone? I can't really answer that yet, but I do know that fuzzy jump has been a game-changing tool in many games in the past, and SFV is going to be another one of those games. It changes how you have to apply pressure to the opponent that uses it. It's not a perfect defensive tool by any means, but to exploit the weaknesses in fuzzy jumps you usually have to resort to calling out the fuzzy jump option, often times at the expense of neglecting other options the opponents can use.

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