
Travis Bueno · @MautDota

17th Mar 2016 from TwitLonger

All I see on reddit is that "I'm not the best caster" Yea, that might be true but have you listened to me in the past 6 months? "I'm a nice guy but DotaPit doesn't owe anything to me." They don't you're right. I'm not trying to start drama I'm merely stating a fact. At some point after Season 3 Ivan promised me that I would be involved in the LAN or this season in some way shape or form. That isn't a lie. If Ivan feels that I'm lying about that he can talk with me and discuss this but there was one conversation where this took place.

And that's fine, I knew that something like this would probably happen because it always does in eSports. I may not be the best caster but I think I deserve a shot at a LAN before you guys judge me on my casting ability. Especially for people that watch one of my casts every year or so. I've worked at big events before, I casted TI4 and I was happy with the quality even though I knew that it wouldn't be enough. I've casted for 4 years and every year I improve and get better. You might not like me but for every one of you are there are 2 or 3 more that enjoy what I do.

DotaPit is going to be a fine tournament without me and with the talent they have there it will be a lot of fun to watch. But if you are reading reddit and you see me post those tweets and you start judging me without context then you are just bad as I am for making the tweets in the first place. You guys always think you know everything that's going on in the scene when there is no real issue. I'm fine with Ivan and Dino, I expressed concern that I wasn't going to be involved but it's their decision and regardless of me throwing a tantrum nothing will change that.

If I could just say one last thing it would be to actually watch one of my more recent casts with someone I'm comfortable casting with before you condemn me as a bad caster. Valve, BTS and other people have hired me and that must have been for a reason.

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