An Open Letter to #GamerGate

Before I start on the topic at hand, I need to apologize. Last night, during a stream, I leaked out a private chat that I shouldn't have. While I could easily claim it was was because of frustration at the situation, that it was retaliation at being called "nutty" or because I had been drinking, I won't, as there is no excuse for my actions. So Leo, I am sorry for putting that out there.

Moving on now...

Guys... This shit needs to stop.

For a while now, I've seen GamerGate go down the deep end. Infighting, streams attacking people that claim to either be one of us or an ally of ours, backstabbing. While I am far from innocent here (again, my behavior during last night's stream) I am willing to step up and admit that I've fucked up a fair number of times. But I am far from the only one here that has fueled the flames.

I have been mulling this over while doing some housework today and realized that there is a link between the infighting and GG moving further and further away from what we were trying to do. A lot of us have become the very people we claim to fight against. Last night's stream only solidified this for me.

For those fighting against SJWs, I have a question: We all see that they are failing, but do you know WHY they are failing?

A main reason is because they allow no room for differing ideas or opinions. "You don't agree with me? Get out, subhuman." I think we can all agree that this is a terrible way to go about things.

So then why are many of you using the exact same tactic?

This goes into the link I mentioned earlier. I realized that our actual producivity started going down the shitter when larger groups using those very tactics started gaining traction. I won't name names here, as many of us know who I am talking about.

We got a lot done BECAUSE of so many different people putting our petty differences to the side and working together. I have learned so much BECAUSE I have gotten to hang out with people that have drastically different viewpoints then mine. These differences allowed us to come up with plans and operations, plans that worked. Having different viewpoints allows us to look at ideas from a variety of angles. If someone sees a flaw that we didn't think of, we can then work to fix said flaw, leading to the idea becoming even more successful.

If GG is going to succeed, we MUST stop all the petty bs. Last night's stream was beyond ridiculous. If I didn't know any better, I would have thought that the stream was hosted by GamerGhazi or some other aGGro. THIS is the shit that is killing GamerGate. THIS WILL CAUSE GG TO DIE if it keeps going.

So please, guys. Can we at least TRY to work together again? I am willing to put petty shit to the side so that we can get back to actually doing some good out there, and I hope that you are as well. Because, as I see it, GG has become a fucking joke, full of people acting exactly like the people they claim to be against.

And, if numerous chats I've had about this lately are any indication, I am FAR from the only one.


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