On Controversy

As a manager with years of experience in the field, I feel the need to comment on this topic that I've been asked about not just recently, but many times before. Everyone seems to have an opinion about this and no one really looks at the bigger picture. I've never seen a satisfactory answer regarding this in our scene and everyone gets it wrong and is so firmly in one camp or another that no one bothers to be open to new possibilities. Whether you're a pro player, a manager, an owner, a caster or a fan in the scene, this applies to you. You don't have to choose between sitting or standing to wipe. The optimal method is begin in the sitting position and slowly as you go, transition into a raised squat and then almost a full stand as you near completion. You don't have to choose between on or the other. You can do both as it provides the benefits of both. I'll spare you the details of why this is effective. The moment you try it you'll know. I'm sure this will be of use to people who have bowel issues and spend a lot of time in the bathroom like SunsFan.

If you expected some answers about the Secret issue, I don't have any real ones and I don't know that anyone has the full story. And rather than speak on such a sensitive issue that I'm not involved in and don't know enough about, I would rather share with you my personal life hack that I have 27 years of experience in. Granted, some of you may already be privy to it, but I sincerely hope this changes some lives. Again, looking at you SunsFan.

So please don't ask me about Secret; why or how it happened is something I can only speculate on. But please do try that method. I'm very passionate about it. Seriously.

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