
Frank Fields · @FFMirhi

12th Feb 2016 from TwitLonger

Power Rankings this week - An Apology

Hey guys,

I owe you all an apology. But I especially owe NA and EU LCS players and teams who we offended this week an apology.

I was over the line with some of the Ad Hominem attacks and cheap shots in the latest Power Rankings article. Though they were not intended to be malicious, they ended up being that way, and certain parts of the article were unnecessarily harsh. I should have seen them and corrected them. I failed to do so, and that is not acceptable.

It's a regretful thing, as every time one of these issues pops up, it erodes the overall quality of the article, and destroys the narrative we try to create with this article series.

Riot Games has a very high standard for content, and I didn't meet that this week.

There is a way to have a casual, conversational, and even edgy voice and still be professional. And that is what we are trying to do with lolesports.com

But Power Rankings was definitively unprofessional this week, and I am sorry for that.

I, and we, will continue to develop the voice of the article series, a voice which we are actually pretty happy with. But this week was a misstep. We let our voice get out of hand, and fell into the trap that often happens when writing in such a voice -- to belittle a team or person while they're down with cheap shots and zingers.

I should be above this, we should be above this.

I will do better. We will do better.

Thank you for reading, and have great games today :)

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