
Ron Murphy · @ronmurp

3rd Feb 2016 from TwitLonger

.@coelhellier tries valiantly to set them straight, but when you want "Not all but some particular .. feminists/Muslims" to mean "ALL feminists/Muslims ..", and when you deny clear evidence the video targets specific people using specific ideological rhetoric, then you are lost to rationality. As if poor and biased OP from Massimo isn't enough. But then the anti-Dawkins wilful demonisation based on woeful BS begins in the comments. I thought Team Myers were bad enough with straight forward abuse, but some of these guys manage to abuse reason itself. Even evidence of @MaryamNamazie treatment by Islamists and some feminists does not convince them that the video is aimed at legitimate targets. Nothing less than character assassination of @RichardDawkins at the heart of this crap. Classic #RegressiveLeft #PseudoLiberals #OstrichBrigade

@RubinReport @GadSaad @Evolutionistrue @SamHarrisOrg @DJGrothe @micknugent

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