A bit about myself and my visions about coaching

My name's Tendanas (Utah Schelhaas) and I am a third year bachelor psychology student. I specialize in clinical and educational psychology. As a side-job I coach students between 14-16 years old at my old secondary school and occassionally I give courses about coaching and education to students who'd wish to educate other students.

Recently I have been assigned as head coach @TeamParia for Team Paria's UK premiership team. I am really excited to serve the team and help it grow. I will use my education and coaching experience at its fullest potential to help creating a team environment where safety, trust and fairness are present as I want everyone to enjoy their stay in the team.

My vision about coaching in short is that it's not about what a coach wants in the team, it's about what the players want in the team. As a coach I will do my best to fulfill the needs of the players so that they can continue their growth towards a better player!

Prepare yourself UK Premiership, because you are about to face a team where bonds will not shatter whatever you throw at us!!!

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