
Skizzle · @Aware_Skizzle

13th Jan 2016 from TwitLonger

Season 3 for @aware_Skizzle and @aware_Watson

Hello, so as you know me and watson was part of aware gaming EU, along with zenborne,dobson and liquidz, and we qualified for the first world championships for xbox one, after winning an ESL invitational, it was amazing meeting the team both events, and they are great guys.
However the only thing i can say is when you have a opportunity to create something bigger and better you have to take advantage of it, so for season 3 me (Skizzle) & Watson, will be creating our own team who which we will announce the members of our newly formed team shortly after this.
Yes the loss at SWC was pretty bad and took a hit from it, which may have something to do with it, but we just want to say thank you to all the fans and community that have supported us and hopefully you can carry on supporting us going into season 3.

Make sure to look out for a future announcement in regards for our season 3 roster..

Thank you, hope it all makes sense im still pretty ill and messed up inside after SWC. <3

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