PublicTestSever NMG Changes /// Headshot Openers (HSO) Sidearms Notes

Headshot Ambush Openers for Killing in two actions:
Total Possible NMG Heavy Health : 1450
Crossbow : (975 HSO @ 1625dmg with follow up body shot) = Death in 2 bolts within 35m+
Max Nanoweave (20% resist to Body Shot) 1495 = Death in 2 bolts regardless of Nanoweave
Resist Heavy survives with 475 HP if shield is active prior to ambush.

COMMY: (900 HSO @ 1450dmg with follow up body shot) = Death in 2 bullets within 8m
Max Nanoweave (20% resist to body shot) 1360 = Alive with 90 health.
Resist Heavy survives with roughly 580 HP if shield is active prior to ambush

Blackhand (900 HSO @ 1450dmg with follow up body shot) = Death in 2 bullets within 5m
Max Nanoweave (20% resist to body shot) 1369 = Alive with 90 health.
Resist Heavy Survives with roughly 580 HP if shield is active prior to ambush

Magscatter (900 HSO @ 1500dmg) ALL PELLETS follow up body shot = Death in 2 sprays
Highly unlikely to happen better off knifing but hey its technically possible to two shot NMG.
Resist Heavy Survives with roughly 550 HP if shield is active prior to ambush.

Because people will ask for this info:

UBOSS: (750 HSO @ 1125dmg with a follow up body shot) = Alive with 325 health
Max Nanoweave (20% resist to body shot) 1050 = Alive with 400 health.
Resist Heavy Survives with roughly 775 HP if shield is active prior to ambush.


HSOs that can remove NMG/Adren (450) in one hit:

Crossbow: (HS or BS)
COMMY : (HS or BS)
Blackhand (HS or BS)
(TR) Repeater (HS ONLY)
(TR) AMP: Vibrator Mode Activated. Goodluck
(NC) Mag-scatter: Spread pellets evenly to cert pinata.
(NC) Desperado (HS ONLY)
(VS) Cerberus (HS ONLY)
(VS) Spiker (HS ONLY)
Candy Cannon (HS ONLY)
Deep Freeze (HS ONLY)
Flare gun - cannot due to bug that gives it no HS multiplier (I think) otherwise yes.

Secondary Tactics: Duo Openers
(Open + Recloak and then Reopen once target settles)

Could make use of some of the weapons above to remove and reopen on a Heavy. Distance to target and effective range of the weapon will probably encourage longer range weapons like the Blackhand and Crossbow for stripping Heavy shields first.

However I would not put it past some stalker infils to feel out the range of their pistols and revolvers finding a sweet spot for this purpose. Commy or UBOSS could probably get away with it somewhat since you only need 450 dmg to remove it and their HSO could probably reach that number a little bit farther out.

Something like a Spiker might be able to cheese it. Same with Rebel but I doubt the Repeater could manage and still avoid detection, getting all burst in a HS and re-coaking fast enough this due to accuracy at range.



Some interesting ways to increase skillful ambushes for stalker Infiltrators besides just knifing everything down or using EMPs to beat human reaction time. Allows for more planning on the infils part to get results. Rewards headshots even more for specific weapons. Rewards resist shield heavies appropriately for countering ambushes by using their shields proactively.

Unavoidable we will see NMG heavies running with Nanoweave to compensate.

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